
Installing HeLx


  1. Install GCloud sdk and configure for your project
  2. Install Helm3
  3. Install Git

Optional Fourth Step: Set up GitHub or Google OAuth credentials if configuring social auth for your install

  1. In your GitHub account, go to Settings->Developer Settings
  2. On the left panel, select OAuth Apps -> New OAuth App
  3. Enter the application name i.e helx-github
  4. Set Homepage URL -> https://[your hostname]/accounts/login
  5. Set Authorization Callback URL -> https://[your hostname]/accounts/github/login/callback/
  6. Record the values for GITHUB_NAME, GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, and GITHUB_SECRET to be used in deployment later
  1. Log in to your GCP account and navigate to API & Services->Credentials
  2. Create a new OAuth client ID with the application type of Web application
  3. Set Authorized JavaScript origins URIs -> https://[your hostname]
  4. Set Authorized redirect URIs -> to https://[your hostname]/accounts/google/login/callback/
  5. After the credentials are created record GOOGLE_NAME, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, and GOOGLE_SECRET to be used in deployment later

GKE Install using Helm

Access to a GKE Cluster

Obtain access to a GKE cluster (For instructions on setting up a cluster, refer to this Quickstart)


Watch a video of this process here.

  1. Use the helm repo command to add HeLx chart repository

helm repo add helxplatform

This will add the repo into your helm repositories list if it doesn’t already exist.

  1. Install HeLx using the following command:

helm -n helx install helx helxplatform/helx --values helx-pjl-values.yaml

Following is some output from the helm install command:

[vagrant@localhost helxplatform]$ helm install helx devops/helx
NAME: helx
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Nov 17 21:40:55 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
Use the following commands to get information about how to log in to the HeLx website.
DJANGO_ADMIN_USERNAME=`kubectl get secret csappstore-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.APPSTORE_DJANGO_USERNAME}" | base64 --decode`
DJANGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD=`kubectl get secret csappstore-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.APPSTORE_DJANGO_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode`
HELX_IP=`kubectl get svc nginx-revproxy -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"`
printf "Django admin username: $DJANGO_ADMIN_USERNAME\nDjango admin password: $DJANGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD\nHeLx URL: http://$HELX_IP\nDjango admin URL: http://$HELX_IP/admin\n"


[vagrant@localhost helxplatform]$ DJANGO_ADMIN_USERNAME=`kubectl get secret csappstore-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.APPSTORE_DJANGO_USERNAME}" | base64 --decode`
[vagrant@localhost helxplatform]$ DJANGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD=`kubectl get secret csappstore-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.APPSTORE_DJANGO_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode`
[vagrant@localhost helxplatform]$ HELX_IP=`kubectl get svc nginx-revproxy -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"`
[vagrant@localhost helxplatform]$ printf "Django admin username: $DJANGO_ADMIN_USERNAME\nDjango admin password: $DJANGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD\nHeLx URL: http://$HELX_IP\nDjango admin URL: http://$HELX_IP/admin\n"
Django admin username: admin
Django admin password: sHoc6OqUNIhRHs1YHhtF
Django admin URL:

An admin username and password is created as part of the install process to allow access to the application and configure other users and social auth.

To access HeLx admin portal, use the admin URL shown above for your install i.e.

To launch apps, navigate to apps URL for your install i.e.

Although an admin user has the ability to launch apps, ideally, a non-admin HeLx user should be added to Django Users and Authorized Users on the admin portal.

Adding a user and OAuth credentials in Django admin portal

  1. Add a new user for your HeLx instance Authentication and Authorization->Users->Add

  2. Whitelist the newly created user Core->Authorized Users->Add

  3. Set up social account(s) in Django admin Social Accounts->Social Applications->Add

    NOTE: Use the Client ID and token from GitHub/Google OAuth setup in prerequisites


To delete HeLx run this command:

helm delete helx

NOTE: You will need to delete any apps created with HeLx using the web UI or manually with kubectl commands.

Standard K8S Install Using a HeLx Install Script


These instructions assume you have cluster admin permissions for your cluster.

  1. Set up a loadbalancer (we use MetalLB) for the cluster
  2. Set up an NFS server for persistent storage
  3. Create a namespace kubectl create namespace <<helx-username>>
  4. Create two NFS subdirectories based on namespace /srv/k8s-pvs/namespace/appstore /srv/k8s-pvs/namespace/stdnfs
  5. Allocate an IP address for your helx website i.e.
  6. Create a DNS record for your helx website i.e.
  7. Create a TLS certificate for your website and a secret for the certificate

PV and PVC for appstore and stdnfs will be created as part of the deployment script later.

Access to install script

  1. Use Git to clone the devops repo using the following command: git clone
  2. Navigate to devops/bin and copy to an env specific properties file for your cluster cp
  3. Edit the env vars file to be more specific to the cluster env you have set up earlier.
  4. Add variables for GITHUB_NAME, GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, and GITHUB_SECRET in the variables file and assign the corresponding values after the OAuth App is created.


To deploy tycho, ambassador, nginx, and appstore, run the following:

./ -c deploy all

To deploy specific components such as tycho run:

./ -c deploy tycho


To delete all deployments:

./ -c delete apps

Please note that PVs/PVCs will need to be deleted separately. To delete everything including the PVs and PVCs, you can use:

./ -c delete all

To delete a specific deployment:

./ -c tycho

Indices and tables